Well Being & Support

Not One More Vet
Vet Professionals are at risk of mental health problems. Not One More Vet is MightyVet’s sister concern and focuses on providing the necessary support to Vet Professionals and their staff members who are grappling with mental health. Because you are good enough, and you are never alone.
Visit NOMVProfessional
Pet & Public Health Early Warning & Detection System
Pet & Public Health
Visit petpublichealth.orgColleague Consult
Colleague Consult was created by Trupanion in effort to support veterinary professionals of every level. A digital library of valuable resources addressing the everyday challenges faced in today’s veterinary world, Colleague Consult tackles a variety of topics providing ideas and solutions for all team members. Bonus! All courses are RACE® approved.
Visit Colleague ConsultHSVMA
The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association uses its expertise and resources to advance animal welfare and bring about a positive change via leadership, advocacy, education, and service. HSVMA offers training, webinars, volunteering opportunities, and a collection of resources.
MightyVet’s Social Media is a place to access the latest updates in the field of veterinary practice, engage with seasoned academics and mentors at our Live events, and get self-care tips and affirmation for a healthy mind.
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